One student who has been supported since 2011 completed secondary school in 2019 and has been offered a position at university to study medicine! Her scholarship donor has agreed to continue supporting her. This student would probably not have completed primary school without this support.

Three other students from the same primary school, all on scholarships since 2011 have also completed secondary school and are waiting to hear about further study options.


Two scholarship recipient students completed tertiary training courses and have full time work.

Scholarships changes lives

Scholarship is currently $390 per year and this enables the scholarship student to receive:

  • A place in school for that year - education

  • A full, new school uniform

  • Stationery and exercise books

Scholarship Plus is $650 per year. Scholarship Plus provides your child with lunch every day at their school for the additional $260 per year.

Payment can be made as a lump sum or in monthly installments (a single receipt is issued at the end of the financial year). Payment information here.

To find out more read About Scholarships or email Simon at simon@globalschoolpartners.org.au

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